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Результаты Поиска Arabska przygoda: Jordania i Arabia Saudyjska

Преимущества предложения

  • великолепные пустынные пейзажи
  • 2 столицы: Амман и Эр-Рияд
  • насыщенная экскурсионная программа, включающая памятники из списка ЮНЕСКО
  • проживание в отеле «все включено» в Табе

Arabska przygoda: Jordania i Arabia Saudyjska Код: TCPPRZY

11 619PLN
Взрослые: 2 wyżywienie zgodnie z programem Ср 06.11 – Ср 20.11.24
Иордания / Arabia Saudyjska / Египет

Arabska przygoda: Jordania i Arabia Saudyjska


Meeting of participants at the airport. Direct flight to Taba. Transfer to the hotel with the all inclusive formula, accommodation, dinner, overnight.

2. DAY. AKABA - WADI RUM (route: approx. 70 km)
Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Transfer to the border. After completing the formalities, drive to WADI RUM - a desert gorge captivating with one of the most beautiful desert landscapes in the world. For volunteers (for an extra charge on site): lasting approx. 2 hours. car safari, during which you can admire huge ocher-colored rock mountains, fantastically shaped by weather conditions. Accommodation at the camp in Wadi, dinner, overnight.

3. DAY. KARAK - AMMAN (route: approx. 400 km)
Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to KARAK. Visiting the medieval castle of the Crusaders, dating back to the Byzantine times. Transfer to the capital of Jordan - AMMAN. Visiting the citadel with breathtaking views of the old town and the Roman theater. Within the hill are the Umayyad Palace, the Temple of Hercules, and the Abbasid Tower. Transfer to a hotel in the Amman area. Accommodation, dinner, overnight.

4. DAY. MADABA - PETRA (route: approx. 250 km)
Breakfast. Check out. A ride on the Royal Road, which has been used by hikers for over 3,000 people. years. Currently, it is one of the main roads of the country, in the vicinity of which there are the most important monuments. Transfer to MADABA - a city made famous in the Byzantine period as one of the main centers of mosaicism. To this day, magnificent Byzantine mosaics in the church of St. George. There is a Map of Madaba - a mosaic from the 6th century, composed of approx. 2 million elements. For those willing (for an additional fee on site): a ride to the DEAD SEA, which lies in the deepest depression in the world, reaching approx. 400 m. An opportunity to take advantage of a unique bath - due to the huge salinity (approx. 26%) and the sea's high density of water pushes the swimmer to the surface. Transfer to the hotel in PETRA. Accommodation, dinner, overnight.

5. DAY. PETRA - AKABA (route: approx. 120 km)
Breakfast. Check out. Visiting PETRA - the ruins of the ancient fortress of the Nabataeans, re-discovered to the world in 1812 by the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Petra is under the patronage of UNESCO and since 2007 it is also on the list of the seven new wonders of the world. A walk through the narrow Siq gorge, shimmering in all shades of pink, red and purple. On the walls of the gorge you can admire numerous paintings and reliefs. After leaving the gorge, sightseeing: the Great Treasury, where one of the films about the adventures of the famous Indiana Jones was filmed, the royal catacombs, the vast Roman amphitheater, the Temenos gate and the place of sacrifice. Transfer to your hotel in Aqaba. Check-in at the hotel, dinner, overnight.

6. DAY. TABUK (slope: approx. 260 km)
Breakfast. Check out. Transfer towards the border with Saudi Arabia. Crossing the border in Mudawwara. Transfer to Wadi Al. Disah, which literally means a palm valley. Drive along a trail that includes sandstone terrain, red mountain ranges, blue springs and palm trees. This place surprises with calmness, silence and extremely clean air. Lunch at a local restaurant. Stop at the Gate of the Nabataeans. Transfer to the hotel in the area of TABUK - a city located in an oasis, at the foot of the Harrat al-Uwayrid mountains. Accommodation, overnight.

7. DAY. RIJAD (route: approx. 1350 km)
Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to the airport, flight to RIJAD - the capital of the country located in the heart of the desert Arabian Peninsula. Lunch at a local restaurant. A visit to the Murabba Palace - a historical square-shaped building measuring 400 by 400 meters. A visit to the National Museum of Saudi Arabia - the permanent exhibition shows the history of the world according to the teachings of Islam. Sightseeing of the Masmak fort, which for years served as the seat of the royal family and was the place of important events in the history of the country. Time for shopping at one of the souks - the bazaar, where you can buy traditional crafts and clothes, spices, incense, antiques, as well as carpets and tapestries. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, overnight.

Breakfast. Transfer to At-Turaif - a historic district, entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here you can travel back in time and witness the turning points in the history of Saudi Arabia. Lunch at a local restaurant. Transfer to the "Edge of the World" - places where spectacular cliffs and rock formations in the desert stretch for kilometers. Walking along the cliffs you can admire this place in the constantly changing lighting. Return to the hotel, overnight.

9. DAY. JEDDAH (slope: approx. 950 km)
Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to the airport, flight to JEDDAH - the city on the Red Sea, which is also called the "Gate to Mecca", because every year thousands of Islamic pilgrims stop here on their way to the holy city. Transfer to the port, where a fantastic sea adventure will begin - a cruise on the Red Sea. During the cruise, you can take advantage of the attractive offer of water sports - snorkeling and diving. Lunch on board. Time to relax on the ship and admire the fascinating sunset and the imposing King Fahd's Fountain, whose waters reach a height of 312 meters and can be seen from all over the city. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation, overnight.

Breakfast. A visit to the Al Rahma mosque, the so-called The Floating Mosque, which was built in 1985 on the surface of the sea, with piles driven into the seabed are its foundation. Visiting the Al Tayebat Museum, one of the most popular in the city, consisting of several buildings - it has a collection of artifacts from the pre-Islamic era. Lunch at a local restaurant. Transfer to Al-Balad - the historic district of Jeddah. Visiting the historic building of the Nassif House, which is an important museum and cultural center. Return to the hotel, overnight.

11. DAY. TABOO - TABA (slope: approx. 1250 km)
Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to the airport, flight to TABUK. Drive towards the border in Mudawwara. Transfer to the port, ferry crossing to TABA. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation at the hotel with the all inclusive formula, dinner, overnight.

Breakfast. Free time to relax in an all inclusive hotel. Overnight.

Breakfast. Free time to relax in an all inclusive hotel. Overnight.

14. DAY.
Breakfast. Check out. Free time (depending on departure time), transfer to the airport and direct flight to Poland. For people who extend their stay for rest: breakfast, check-out, transfer to the airport and transfer to the selected hotel.

13 nights in hotels *** along the route of the trip • 2-person rooms (1 extra bed for a child available) with bathrooms • meals: 13 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 6 dinners • flights: WAW-TCP-WAW, Tabuk-Riyadh, Riyadh-Jeddah, Jeddah-Tabuk • bus rides • pilot care • KL insurance and NW

Информация о регионе

Arabia Saudyjska

Arabia Saudyjska to miejsce na pograniczu dwóch światów, gdzie tradycja przeplata się z nowoczesnością. Kraj, jeszcze niedawno niedostępny dla turystów, kryje w sobie prawdziwe perełki UNESCO i… nutkę tajemnicy. Ultranowoczesne budynki sąsiadują z bezkresem pustyni, którą setki lat wstecz przemierzały karawany. Zobaczysz tu niesamowite zabytki, wspaniałe muzea i największy na świecie budynek pokryty z zewnątrz w całości lustrami, wpisany do Księgi Rekordów Guinessa. W nadmorskim Jeddah zobaczysz kilkupiętrowe domy zbudowane z koralowców, zamieszkiwane niegdyś przez bogatych arabskich kupców. W Arabii Saudyjskiej znajdziesz nawet… Koniec Świata, czyli spektakularny 300 metrowy klif z widokiem na równinę, będącą niegdyś dnem starożytnego oceanu.

Расположение на карте Маршрут


Приглашаем вас в незабываемое путешествие по очаровательной Иордании и Саудовской Аравии, где вы откроете для себя их необыкновенные уголки – почувствуете волшебство древних руин, мистических пустынь и величественных пейзажей, от которых захватывает дух. По маршруту ущелья Вади-Рам, где вас ждут ослепительные виды пустыни, многочисленные памятники, в том числе средневековый замок крестоносцев и мистическая мечеть Аль-Рахма, а также 2 столицы: прекрасная возможность проникнуть в самое сердце Эр-Рияда и открыть для себя шумный Амман. Полюбуйтесь красотой византийских мозаик в Мадабе, узнайте о волшебной истории древней Петры под патронажем ЮНЕСКО, почувствуйте волшебство Табука – загадочного города, расположенного в долине, и полюбуйтесь необычными скальными образованиями на «крае света». ". В программу также входит фантастический круиз по Красному морю, а насыщенный осмотр достопримечательностей завершит заслуженный отдых в отеле «все включено». Длина маршрута по Иордании и Саудовской Аравии: 4650 км.

1. DAY. Meeting of participants at the airport. Direct flight to Taba. Transfer to the hotel with the all inclusive formula, accommodation, dinner, overnight.
2. DAY. AKABA - WADI RUM (route: approx. 70 km) Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Transfer to the border. After completing the formalities, drive to WADI RUM - a desert gorge captivating with one of the most beautiful desert landscapes in the world. For volunteers (for an extra charge on site): lasting approx. 2 hours. car safari, during which you can admire huge ocher-colored rock mountains, fantastically shaped by weather conditions. Accommodation at the camp in Wadi, dinner, overnight.
3. DAY. KARAK - AMMAN (route: approx. 400 km) Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to KARAK. Visiting the medieval castle of the Crusaders, dating back to the Byzantine times. Transfer to the capital of Jordan - AMMAN. Visiting the citadel with breathtaking views of the old town and the Roman theater. Within the hill are the Umayyad Palace, the Temple of Hercules, and the Abbasid Tower. Transfer to a hotel in the Amman area. Accommodation, dinner, overnight.
4. DAY. MADABA - PETRA (route: approx. 250 km) Breakfast. Check out. A ride on the Royal Road, which has been used by hikers for over 3,000 people. years. Currently, it is one of the main roads of the country, in the vicinity of which there are the most important monuments. Transfer to MADABA - a city made famous in the Byzantine period as one of the main centers of mosaicism. To this day, magnificent Byzantine mosaics in the church of St. George. There is a Map of Madaba - a mosaic from the 6th century, composed of approx. 2 million elements. For those willing (for an additional fee on site): a ride to the DEAD SEA, which lies in the deepest depression in the world, reaching approx. 400 m. An opportunity to take advantage of a unique bath - due to the huge salinity (approx. 26%) and the sea's high density of water pushes the swimmer to the surface. Transfer to the hotel in PETRA. Accommodation, dinner, overnight.
5. DAY. PETRA - AKABA (route: approx. 120 km) Breakfast. Check out. Visiting PETRA - the ruins of the ancient fortress of the Nabataeans, re-discovered to the world in 1812 by the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Petra is under the patronage of UNESCO and since 2007 it is also on the list of the seven new wonders of the world. A walk through the narrow Siq gorge, shimmering in all shades of pink, red and purple. On the walls of the gorge you can admire numerous paintings and reliefs. After leaving the gorge, sightseeing: the Great Treasury, where one of the films about the adventures of the famous Indiana Jones was filmed, the royal catacombs, the vast Roman amphitheater, the Temenos gate and the place of sacrifice. Transfer to your hotel in Aqaba. Check-in at the hotel, dinner, overnight.
6. DAY. TABUK (slope: approx. 260 km) Breakfast. Check out. Transfer towards the border with Saudi Arabia. Crossing the border in Mudawwara. Transfer to Wadi Al. Disah, which literally means a palm valley. Drive along a trail that includes sandstone terrain, red mountain ranges, blue springs and palm trees. This place surprises with calmness, silence and extremely clean air. Lunch at a local restaurant. Stop at the Gate of the Nabataeans. Transfer to the hotel in the area of TABUK - a city located in an oasis, at the foot of the Harrat al-Uwayrid mountains. Accommodation, overnight.
7. DAY. RIJAD (route: approx. 1350 km) Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to the airport, flight to RIJAD - the capital of the country located in the heart of the desert Arabian Peninsula. Lunch at a local restaurant. A visit to the Murabba Palace - a historical square-shaped building measuring 400 by 400 meters. A visit to the National Museum of Saudi Arabia - the permanent exhibition shows the history of the world according to the teachings of Islam. Sightseeing of the Masmak fort, which for years served as the seat of the royal family and was the place of important events in the history of the country. Time for shopping at one of the souks - the bazaar, where you can buy traditional crafts and clothes, spices, incense, antiques, as well as carpets and tapestries. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, overnight.
8. DAY. RIJAD Breakfast. Transfer to At-Turaif - a historic district, entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here you can travel back in time and witness the turning points in the history of Saudi Arabia. Lunch at a local restaurant. Transfer to the "Edge of the World" - places where spectacular cliffs and rock formations in the desert stretch for kilometers. Walking along the cliffs you can admire this place in the constantly changing lighting. Return to the hotel, overnight.
9. DAY. JEDDAH (slope: approx. 950 km) Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to the airport, flight to JEDDAH - the city on the Red Sea, which is also called the "Gate to Mecca", because every year thousands of Islamic pilgrims stop here on their way to the holy city. Transfer to the port, where a fantastic sea adventure will begin - a cruise on the Red Sea. During the cruise, you can take advantage of the attractive offer of water sports - snorkeling and diving. Lunch on board. Time to relax on the ship and admire the fascinating sunset and the imposing King Fahd's Fountain, whose waters reach a height of 312 meters and can be seen from all over the city. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation, overnight.
10. DAY. JEDDAH Breakfast. A visit to the Al Rahma mosque, the so-called The Floating Mosque, which was built in 1985 on the surface of the sea, with piles driven into the seabed are its foundation. Visiting the Al Tayebat Museum, one of the most popular in the city, consisting of several buildings - it has a collection of artifacts from the pre-Islamic era. Lunch at a local restaurant. Transfer to Al-Balad - the historic district of Jeddah. Visiting the historic building of the Nassif House, which is an important museum and cultural center. Return to the hotel, overnight.
11. DAY. TABOO - TABA (slope: approx. 1250 km) Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to the airport, flight to TABUK. Drive towards the border in Mudawwara. Transfer to the port, ferry crossing to TABA. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation at the hotel with the all inclusive formula, dinner, overnight.
12. DAY. TABA Breakfast. Free time to relax in an all inclusive hotel. Overnight.
13. DAY. TABA Breakfast. Free time to relax in an all inclusive hotel. Overnight.
14. DAY. Breakfast. Check out. Free time (depending on departure time), transfer to the airport and direct flight to Poland. For people who extend their stay for rest: breakfast, check-out, transfer to the airport and transfer to the selected hotel.

BENEFITS: 13 nights in hotels *** along the route of the trip • 2-person rooms (1 extra bed for a child available) with bathrooms • meals: 13 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 6 dinners • flights: WAW-TCP-WAW, Tabuk-Riyadh, Riyadh-Jeddah, Jeddah-Tabuk • bus rides • pilot care • KL insurance and NW


Детали предложения

Twój wybór wczasów

Иордания, Arabia Saudyjska, Египет

Arabska przygoda: Jordania i Arabia Saudyjska

zmień wariant wakacji
  • Только проживание
11 619pln
Общая сумма sprawdź szczegóły ceny 23 238 pln razem TFG + TFP +60 PLN
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