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Результаты Поиска Tam, gdzie wschodzi Słońce

Преимущества предложения

  • флагманские памятники и знаковые места Японии
  • важнейшие мегаполисы: Токио, Киото, Осака, Хиросима
  • Sagano Bamboo Path – сказочный бамбуковый лес
  • священная гора Фудзи

Tam, gdzie wschodzi Słońce Код: NRTFUJI


Tam, gdzie wschodzi Słońce


Meeting of participants at the airport. Departure to Japan.

Arrival to TOKYO. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation and overnight.

Breakfast. Transfer by public transport to the TOKIO center. Entrance to the observation deck of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, from where you can admire the panorama of the entire city. Then, visiting the Meiji Jingu temple, dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. The area of the temple, stretching over an area of almost 70 ha, was a favorite place for walks of the imperial couple. A visit to the fashionable district of Harajuku and walk along its most famous street - Takeshita-dori, known for its electronics and anime stores. Transfer by subway to the Shibuya district, where there are shopping centers frequented by young Japanese people. The famous Hachiko dog statue is located near the metro station. A short walk to Tokyo's biggest intersection, which is famous for its numerous photographs. Free time. Return to the hotel, overnight.

Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Departure to the FUJI-HAKONE-IZU NATIONAL PARK, the most famous park in Japan, located on an area of 121 695 ha. Transfer to the highest view point, the so-called "Fifth station" (approx. 2300 m above sea level), from which there is a wonderful panorama of Mount Fuji (3776 m above sea level). Fuji is a sacred mountain for the followers of Shintoism, the highest peak of Japan, and also its symbol. Free time. Drive to the Ashi Lake, picturesquely situated among the mountains. A boat trip in exceptional natural circumstances. Then, ascend by gondola lift from the lakeside station to the Komagatake peak. The railway reaches a height of 1783 m in 7 minutes, from where on a clear day you can see Mount Fuji, the Pacific Ocean and even Tokyo! Go down by cable car. Transfer to the hotel in the Yamanakako area. Accommodation, dinner and overnight.

Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Transfer by coach to the MATSUMOTO CASTLE picturesquely situated by the lake. Called "The Raven Castle" because of the color of the walls, it is one of the few castles in Japan that have retained their original architectural design. Free time. A visit to the miso paste factory, which is the staple ingredient in Japanese miso soup, served in Japan with almost every meal. A shopping opportunity. Transfer to your hotel in the Takayama area. Hotel accommodation and overnight.

Breakfast. Drop off your check in to Kyoto (it will be available on the 7th day in the evening). Visiting TAKAYAMA - an extremely charming town located in the Hida Mountains. The former urban layout and the wooden architecture of the old town attract crowds of tourists seeking a break from loud and ultra-modern metropolises. A visit to the traditional Miyagawa bazaar, where you can buy everything - from local fruits and vegetables to traditional "sarubobo" charms and stylish chopsticks. Then free time in the beautiful old town, where you can buy and try traditionally prepared sake (approx. 100 JPY / serving). Transfer to the village of SHIRAKAWAGO, entered on the UNESCO list. It is a kind of open-air museum located in a valley among rice fields. A characteristic feature of the valley and the village are the gassho-zukuri houses, which, as the Japanese say, resemble hands folded in prayer with their architecture. Return to the hotel, overnight.

Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Transfer to the train station. Transfer by high-speed train to Nagoya and then by the super-fast Shinkansen train to KIOTO, the former imperial capital. The city is described by the Japanese themselves as a mainstay of tradition. Free time during the transfer. Upon arrival, visit the Kiyomizu Temple, located on the UNESCO list, on the hill. From the terrace of the main pavilion there is a wonderful view of the city. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation and overnight.

Breakfast. Full-day tour of KIOTO. First, a walk through the Sagano Bamboo Path, a green bamboo forest. The path leads among tall bamboo trees, which are often immortalized in movies and commercials and are one of the city's main attractions. Then drive to the Kinkakuji temple, the so-called Golden Pavilion, sightseeing. The last 2 floors of the main temple pavilion are entirely covered with gold. It is the former property of one of the shoguns, according to whom they would like to build a Zen temple in this place. Transfer to the BiVi Nijo shopping center and free time. Visiting Nijo-jo Castle from the beginning of the 17th century. It was the official residence of the Tokugawa shoguns. The complex of several buildings almost entirely built of wood, with paper doors and gardens does not resemble a castle but a magnificent residence. Transfer to the Gion district - the former geisha district, where you can see a show showing the traditional tea ceremony (chanoyu), flower arranging (ikebana) and the traditional puppet theater (bunraku). Return to the hotel, overnight.

Breakfast. Check out. Drive to NARA, which is said to be Japan's historical treasury. In the eighth century, the city was the capital of Japan and the last stop on the Silk Road. Thanks to this connection with the world, Nara was shaped under the influence of Chinese and Persian. A visit to the Kasuga temple, one of the attractions of which are 3 thousand. stone lanterns placed along the avenue and lit twice a year during festivals. Visiting the Todaiji temple, one of the most important in the country. There is one of the largest Buddha statues in the world, which is 16 m high, and is made of bronze and gold. The Great Buddha Pavilion is the largest wooden structure in the world, entered on the UNESCO list. Then a visit to the Nara Deer Park, where hundreds of fallow deer live, walking peacefully in the company of tourists. Transfer to OSAKA, the 3rd largest city in Japan. Transfer to a modern district of the city with countless shops: Dotombori. Free time. Visiting Osaka Castle from the 16th century, which played an important role in the unification of the country. He is one of the symbols of the city and the island of Honshu on which it is located. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, overnight.

Breakfast. Check in of check-in in Hiroshima (it will be available on the 10th day in the evening). Transfer to the station. Transfer by high-speed train to HIROSZIMA. Hand luggage deposit at the hotel. Transfer and then a ferry ride to the sacred MIYAJIMA ISLAND, which is home to Itsukushima's "floating" shrine with the famous red torii. Free time on the island where herds of deer walk. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation and overnight.

Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Visiting Heroshima. Drive and walk in the Peace Park. Passage to the Monument of Peace (also known as the Atomic Bomb Dome) entered on the UNESCO list, located near the epicenter of the explosion of the atomic bomb. Visiting the Peace Museum. Transfer to the vicinity of the train station. Free time. Transfer by high-speed train to Tokyo. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation and overnight.

Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. TOKYO Sightseeing: a visit to the Asakusa Kannon Temple - also known as Sensoji, from the Edo period, which is one of the most important Shinto sites. Opportunity to buy souvenirs in the adjacent passage. Free time. Then a visit to the Imperial Palace, built on the site of the former Edo Castle. Walk around the palace surrounded by a moat with bridges and fortifications. Around the palace there are buildings of the Parliament, the court, the police and numerous banks. Free time for photos at Nijubashi, the famous bridge that is immortalized in hundreds of photos of Tokyo. Then, drive to the Ginza District, one of the trendiest neighborhoods in Tokyo. There are over 200 shopping malls and countless restaurants. Walk around the district, free time. Transfer to the airport. Departure to Poland. DAY 13. Arrival in Poland.

10 nights in hotels ***: 3 in Tokyo, 1 in Yamanakako, 2 in Takayama, 2 in Kyoto, 1 in Osaka, 1 in Hiroshima; 2-person rooms (1 extra bed available) with bathrooms • meals: 10 breakfasts, 1 dinner, • flight • transfer by a comfortable coach or minibus (depending on the number of people), train journeys according to the program • cruise on Lake Ashi • gondola ride • ferry to Miyajima • luggage service • pilot care • KL and accident insurance

Информация о регионе


Pachnąca kwitnącą wiśnią, uduchowiona, przywiązana do tradycji, a jednocześnie hipernowoczesna. Japonia to nie tylko tajemnicze gejsze, kolorowe origiami i orientalne przysmaki, to inna rzeczywistość, której trzeba zakosztować.

Расположение на карте Маршрут

Токио - Национальный парк Фудзи-Хаконэ-Идзу - Замок Мацумото - Такаяма - Сиракаваго - Киото - Нара - Осака - Хиросима - остров Миядзима - Токио

Приглашаем вас в путешествие в Страну Восходящего Солнца и Трехдневной Луны, которая радует и удивляет. Он сочетает в себе необыкновенное волшебство, духовную культуру и привязанность к традициям с современностью. Именно отличие Японии от остального мира производит наибольшее впечатление на всех посетителей этой необыкновенной страны. Гейши, кимоно, икебана, оригами, суши – о Японии что-то знает каждый, но каково здесь на самом деле, лучше всего увидеть самому. Программа — отличный выбор для всех, кто приезжает сюда впервые и хочет познакомиться со знаковыми местами и знаковыми памятниками. Токио – гиперсовременность и микрокосм, Киото – традиции, гейши и Япония как с нежной картинки, Нара – историческая сокровищница, легендарная гора Фудзи, трагическая история Хиросимы… Эти места нужно увидеть, чтобы почувствовать истинную атмосферу Японии ! Маршрут по Японии: ок. 2000 км.

1. DAY. Meeting of participants at the airport. Departure to Japan.
2. DAY. TOKYO Arrival to TOKYO. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation and overnight.
3. DAY. TOKYO Breakfast. Transfer by public transport to the TOKIO center. Entrance to the observation deck of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, from where you can admire the panorama of the entire city. Then, visiting the Meiji Jingu temple, dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. The area of the temple, stretching over an area of almost 70 ha, was a favorite place for walks of the imperial couple. A visit to the fashionable district of Harajuku and walk along its most famous street - Takeshita-dori, known for its electronics and anime stores. Transfer by subway to the Shibuya district, where there are shopping centers frequented by young Japanese people. The famous Hachiko dog statue is located near the metro station. A short walk to Tokyo's biggest intersection, which is famous for its numerous photographs. Free time. Return to the hotel, overnight.
4. DAY. P.N. FUJI-HAKONE-IZU Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Departure to the FUJI-HAKONE-IZU NATIONAL PARK, the most famous park in Japan, located on an area of 121 695 ha. Transfer to the highest view point, the so-called "Fifth station" (approx. 2300 m above sea level), from which there is a wonderful panorama of Mount Fuji (3776 m above sea level). Fuji is a sacred mountain for the followers of Shintoism, the highest peak of Japan, and also its symbol. Free time. Drive to the Ashi Lake, picturesquely situated among the mountains. A boat trip in exceptional natural circumstances. Then, ascend by gondola lift from the lakeside station to the Komagatake peak. The railway reaches a height of 1783 m in 7 minutes, from where on a clear day you can see Mount Fuji, the Pacific Ocean and even Tokyo! Go down by cable car. Transfer to the hotel in the Yamanakako area. Accommodation, dinner and overnight.
5. DAY. MATSUMOTO CASTLE Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Transfer by coach to the MATSUMOTO CASTLE picturesquely situated by the lake. Called "The Raven Castle" because of the color of the walls, it is one of the few castles in Japan that have retained their original architectural design. Free time. A visit to the miso paste factory, which is the staple ingredient in Japanese miso soup, served in Japan with almost every meal. A shopping opportunity. Transfer to your hotel in the Takayama area. Hotel accommodation and overnight.
6. DAY. TAKAYAMA - SHIRAKAWAGO Breakfast. Drop off your check in to Kyoto (it will be available on the 7th day in the evening). Visiting TAKAYAMA - an extremely charming town located in the Hida Mountains. The former urban layout and the wooden architecture of the old town attract crowds of tourists seeking a break from loud and ultra-modern metropolises. A visit to the traditional Miyagawa bazaar, where you can buy everything - from local fruits and vegetables to traditional "sarubobo" charms and stylish chopsticks. Then free time in the beautiful old town, where you can buy and try traditionally prepared sake (approx. 100 JPY / serving). Transfer to the village of SHIRAKAWAGO, entered on the UNESCO list. It is a kind of open-air museum located in a valley among rice fields. A characteristic feature of the valley and the village are the gassho-zukuri houses, which, as the Japanese say, resemble hands folded in prayer with their architecture. Return to the hotel, overnight.
7. DAY. KIOTO Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Transfer to the train station. Transfer by high-speed train to Nagoya and then by the super-fast Shinkansen train to KIOTO, the former imperial capital. The city is described by the Japanese themselves as a mainstay of tradition. Free time during the transfer. Upon arrival, visit the Kiyomizu Temple, located on the UNESCO list, on the hill. From the terrace of the main pavilion there is a wonderful view of the city. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation and overnight.
8. DAY. KIOTO Breakfast. Full-day tour of KIOTO. First, a walk through the Sagano Bamboo Path, a green bamboo forest. The path leads among tall bamboo trees, which are often immortalized in movies and commercials and are one of the city's main attractions. Then drive to the Kinkakuji temple, the so-called Golden Pavilion, sightseeing. The last 2 floors of the main temple pavilion are entirely covered with gold. It is the former property of one of the shoguns, according to whom they would like to build a Zen temple in this place. Transfer to the BiVi Nijo shopping center and free time. Visiting Nijo-jo Castle from the beginning of the 17th century. It was the official residence of the Tokugawa shoguns. The complex of several buildings almost entirely built of wood, with paper doors and gardens does not resemble a castle but a magnificent residence. Transfer to the Gion district - the former geisha district, where you can see a show showing the traditional tea ceremony (chanoyu), flower arranging (ikebana) and the traditional puppet theater (bunraku). Return to the hotel, overnight.
9. DAY. NARA - OSAKA Breakfast. Check out. Drive to NARA, which is said to be Japan's historical treasury. In the eighth century, the city was the capital of Japan and the last stop on the Silk Road. Thanks to this connection with the world, Nara was shaped under the influence of Chinese and Persian. A visit to the Kasuga temple, one of the attractions of which are 3 thousand. stone lanterns placed along the avenue and lit twice a year during festivals. Visiting the Todaiji temple, one of the most important in the country. There is one of the largest Buddha statues in the world, which is 16 m high, and is made of bronze and gold. The Great Buddha Pavilion is the largest wooden structure in the world, entered on the UNESCO list. Then a visit to the Nara Deer Park, where hundreds of fallow deer live, walking peacefully in the company of tourists. Transfer to OSAKA, the 3rd largest city in Japan. Transfer to a modern district of the city with countless shops: Dotombori. Free time. Visiting Osaka Castle from the 16th century, which played an important role in the unification of the country. He is one of the symbols of the city and the island of Honshu on which it is located. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, overnight.
10. DAY. HIROSZIMA - MIYAJIMA ISLAND Breakfast. Check in of check-in in Hiroshima (it will be available on the 10th day in the evening). Transfer to the station. Transfer by high-speed train to HIROSZIMA. Hand luggage deposit at the hotel. Transfer and then a ferry ride to the sacred MIYAJIMA ISLAND, which is home to Itsukushima's "floating" shrine with the famous red torii. Free time on the island where herds of deer walk. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation and overnight.
11. DAY. HIROSZIMA Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Visiting Heroshima. Drive and walk in the Peace Park. Passage to the Monument of Peace (also known as the Atomic Bomb Dome) entered on the UNESCO list, located near the epicenter of the explosion of the atomic bomb. Visiting the Peace Museum. Transfer to the vicinity of the train station. Free time. Transfer by high-speed train to Tokyo. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation and overnight.
12. DAY. TOKYO Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. TOKYO Sightseeing: a visit to the Asakusa Kannon Temple - also known as Sensoji, from the Edo period, which is one of the most important Shinto sites. Opportunity to buy souvenirs in the adjacent passage. Free time. Then a visit to the Imperial Palace, built on the site of the former Edo Castle. Walk around the palace surrounded by a moat with bridges and fortifications. Around the palace there are buildings of the Parliament, the court, the police and numerous banks. Free time for photos at Nijubashi, the famous bridge that is immortalized in hundreds of photos of Tokyo. Then, drive to the Ginza District, one of the trendiest neighborhoods in Tokyo. There are over 200 shopping malls and countless restaurants. Walk around the district, free time. Transfer to the airport. Departure to Poland. DAY 13. Arrival in Poland.

BENEFITS: 10 nights in hotels ***: 3 in Tokyo, 1 in Yamanakako, 2 in Takayama, 2 in Kyoto, 1 in Osaka, 1 in Hiroshima; 2-person rooms (1 extra bed available) with bathrooms • meals: 10 breakfasts, 1 dinner, • flight • transfer by a comfortable coach or minibus (depending on the number of people), train journeys according to the program • cruise on Lake Ashi • gondola ride • ferry to Miyajima • luggage service • pilot care • KL and accident insurance


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Wycieczka była bardzo udana Będę ją wspominać bardzo długo Leciałam z waszym biurem pierwszy raz ale zapewne nie ostatni Grupa była wspaniała z wyjątkiem jednej osoby pana [...] jeszcze w życiu nie spotkałam takiego okropnego faceta A pani Magdzie pilotce nalezą się szczególnie podziękowania to wspaniała osoba jestem pełna uznania
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