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Search Results Trekking wokół Annapurny

Offer advantages

  • Thorong La - one of the highest mountain passes, 5416 m above sea level
  • experienced guides and leaders, luggage transport, light trekking
  • amazing Himalayas and amazing Nepal
  • excellent accommodation, especially in Pokhara and Kathmandu

Trekking wokół Annapurny Code: KTMANA2

9 999PLN
Dorośli: 2 wyżywienie zgodnie z programem Fri 13.09 – Sun 29.09.24

Trekking wokół Annapurny


Meeting of participants at the airport. Departure to Nepal.

Arrival at KATHMANDU, visit to Boudhanath, where the largest Buddhist stupa entered on the UNESCO list is located in Nepal and one of the largest in the world. Time to explore Kathmandu on your own and lunch on your own. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation. Free time. Welcome dinner. Overnight.

Breakfast. Due to the numerous monuments and the beauty of the landscape, the entire KATHMAND valley was entered on the UNESCO list. Sightseeing Kathmandu: Swayambhunath stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple - one of the oldest in Nepal, is over 1,500 years old, Durbar Square - the historic heart of the city. After sightseeing, it's time to prepare for trekking, replenish the missing equipment that can be found everywhere in the Thamel district at a reasonable price. Lunch on your own. Return to the hotel. Dinner on your own. Overnight.

Breakfast. Check out. Drive along the road overlooking the spectacular landscape of the White Mountains, green hills, rivers and villages all the way to BESISAHAR (750 m above sea level). On the way, a break for lunch on your own. Accommodation. Dinner. Overnight in Besisahar. Journey time approx. 7 hours. The route is approx. 185 km.

Breakfast. Check out. Drive to CHAME by jeeps, a few steep, forested ridges. On the way, we pass the village of Dharapani and amazing views of Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II and Annapurna IV. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Chame (2630 m a.s.l.). Journey time approx. 4 hours. The route is about 60 km.

Breakfast. Check out. Slow ascent to THALEK at 2,840m, then a long, pleasant walk through the forest to BRATHANG, located at 2,950m, most of the way on flat ground. As the trail passes a bend, we will see the first sight of the Paungda Danda rock face, a mighty, curved plate of rock rising more than 1,500 m from the river. We will return to the southern shore of Marsyangdi on the hanging bridge at an altitude of 3080 m above sea level, and then make a long, gentle climb through the blue pine forests. After that, the hike will be relatively flat and will lead to the upper part of the Manang Valley to PISANG. This village marks the beginning of the region known as Nyesyang, the upper part of Manang District. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Pisang (3185 m). Walking time approx. 4-5 hours.

Breakfast. Check out. Beginning of climbing to the Tibetan village of BRYAGA at an altitude of 3,500 m above sea level, along the bottom of the valley. Near Bryaga, we will see houses stacked on top of each other, each with an open porch formed by a neighbor's roof. The gompa, erected on a high rock overlooking the village, is the largest in the district and boasts a unique display of statues. Then we continue our journey through a very dry landscape, dominated by the cliffs of yellow rock weirs that have been eroded into imposing pillars along the trail to reach our today's destination - the village of MANANG. There are surprisingly well-stocked shops here. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Manang (3530 m). Walking time approx. 4-5 hours.

Breakfast. Visiting Manang and acclimatization. We can make a short hike here to climb a little higher to KHANGSAR, which is a 200-meter climb. It is important that today is reasonably calm so that the body can acclimatize to higher altitudes and to thinning air. Lunch. Dinner. Overnight. Walking time approx. 4 hours.

Breakfast. Check out. A gradual ascent through TENKI MANANG, leaving the Marshyangdi Valley. Continuing the journey through the Jarsang Khola Valley, we will reach YAK KHARKA (4,000 m above sea level) where yak herds and vegetation seem to thin out. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight at Yak Kharka. Walking time approx. 4-5 hours.

Breakfast. Check out. A relatively easy day to get used to the altitude: move to LETDAR, from where we will continue our ascent along the eastern bank of the Jarang Khola River to THORONG PHEDI, a rock-strewn meadow surrounded by vertical cliffs at an altitude of 4,420 m above sea level. Lunch on the way. In the valley, you can sometimes see mountain winds, i.e. blue sheep and sometimes even snow leopards. High in the sky above us, we can see vultures and Himalayan griffins. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Thorong Phedi (4420 m) or HIGH CAMP (4600 m). Journey time approx. 3-4 hours.

Breakfast. Check out. Today a long hike, starting before sunrise, around 4 a.m., to reach the pass at the latest by 10 a.m. otherwise the weather conditions will have a big influence on the hike. Today we will cross one of the highest mountain passes in the world, THORONG LA, at an altitude of 5,416 m above sea level. We must get there early to cross the mountain pass - if the crossing is too late we may be exposed to strong winds. The local population has used this route for hundreds of years to bring herds of sheep and yaks to and from Manang. As a result, the trail, although often steep, is well-marked and easy to follow. On the Thorong La Pass with traditional prayer flags and a stone mound, we will have great views. You can see Annapurna, Gangapurna and Khatung Kang, which is a heavily icy peak. Surprisingly, at the top of the pass, at an altitude of 5,416 m above sea level, there is a tea house. From here we begin our descent, approximately 1600 m long, with magnificent views of Mount Dhaulagiri rising alone in the distance along the valley. When the trail becomes less steep, we will enter the grassy fields and cut the meadows to our final destination - MUKTINATH, the place of nirvana where the Muktinath Temple and several monasteries are located. It is said that any sorrows felt are soothed by a visit to the temple, which is a holy place of pilgrimage for both Hindus and Buddhists. The main pilgrimage usually takes place in September. The temple is dedicated to Vishnu and has 108 water jets around it, from which holy water is poured. Another nearby attraction is the Jwala Mai temple, which has a spring and an eternal flame powered by natural underground gas. Lunch during the hike. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Muktinath (3800 m). Walking time approx. 6-8 hours.

Breakfast. Check out. From today we will follow one of the most picturesque routes, which is the section between Muktinath and Jomsom. We will descend through meadows, streams and fruit orchards to KAGBENIA, a fascinating medieval village steeped in Tibetan culture. Then we will continue our descent through the Kali Gandaki Gorge to the village of JOMSOM (also known as Dzongsam, or "new fort"). Lunch during the hike. Accommodation, dinner and overnight at MARPHA (2670 m). Walking time approx. 6 hours.

Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to TATOPANI, a popular pilgrimage site to the holy Muktinath temple, which we will have the opportunity to see. Lunch. Tatopani is famous for its hot springs, where we will be able to regenerate after the hardships of our journey. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Tatopani (1189 m above sea level). Journey time approx. 5 hours. The route is about 43 km.

Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to POKHARA. Free time to explore Pokhara on your own, famous for its Lake Fewe and a beautiful view of the Himalayas. Lunch on your own. Accommodation and overnight in Pokhara. Dinner on your own. Journey time: approx. 4 hours. The route is about 113 km.

Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to KATHMAND. Lunch on your own on the way. Check-in, farewell dinner with cultural performance in a traditional Nepalese restaurant, overnight. Journey time: approx. 7-11 hours. The route is about 200 km.

Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Free time or additional activities depending on the flight (ask the leader). Transfer to the airport and flight to Poland.

17. DAY.
Arrival to Poland.

14 nights: 3 nights in Kathmandu in a 3 * hotel, 1 in Pokhara in a 3 * hotel, 10 during the trek: all nights in a 2-person hotel rooms (some of the rooms with bathrooms) • meals: 14 breakfasts, 9 lunches, 12 dinners • flights: Warsaw-Kathmandu, Kathmandu-Warsaw • transfers • care of a Polish-speaking leader and an English-speaking guide • porters (1 porter for 2 guests); luggage up to 10 kg • entry tickets • permission to enter the protected area of Annapurna (ACAP permit) • KL and NW Itaka Complex insurance extended with the consequences of practicing high-risk sports

Region information
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Leżący u stóp Himalajów Nepal, jest jednym z najbardziej niezwykłych krajów na świecie. To niewielkie królestwo leży na granicy Indii, Chin i Tybetu i jest mekką podróżników i wspinaczy wysokogórskich – znajduje się tu aż 8 z 10 najwyższych gór świata! Nepal jest uśmiechnięty, gościnny, zachwyca kolorami i niezwykłymi krajobrazami. Nepal to też kraj tysięcy świątyń i… żywych bogiń – Kumari. Oszałamiające szczyty, barwna mozaika kulturowa, przenikanie się różnych religii i obyczajów to tylko nieliczne powody, aby tu przyjechać.

Location on the map Route

Kathmandu • Besisahar • Dharapani • Chame • Thaleku • Brathang • Pisang • Bryaga • Manang • Khangsar • Manang • Tenki Manang • Yak Kharka • Letdar • Thorong Phedi or High Camp • Thorong La Pass • Muktinath • Kagbeni • Jomsom • Marpha • Tatopani • Pokhara • Kathmandu

Set off with us on an unforgettable journey and discover the magic of Nepal - the heart of the Himalayas and home of the highest peaks in the world, including the famous Mount Everest, where perfect weather conditions and the variety of routes attract mountain enthusiasts. Trek along carefully planned routes through stunning landscapes, from lush forests full of unusual vegetation to rugged alpine landscapes, majestic peaks, glaciers and picturesque valleys, and an experienced team of guides will ensure your safety and support at every stage of your trek. On the route, there are many natural wonders, places and temples emanating with spiritual energy that will appeal to those seeking peace and reflection, and charming villages where you can experience true Nepalese hospitality and feel at home!
It is believed that the trek around Annapurna (8091 m above sea level) is the most beautiful trek in Nepal, which will allow you to admire one of the highest peaks in the world. During the trip, we will cross one of the highest passes in the world, Thorong La, which is located at an altitude of 5,416 m above sea level.
Total route in Nepal: approx. 601 km.

1. DAY. Meeting of participants at the airport. Departure to Nepal.
2. DAY. KATHMANDU Arrival at KATHMANDU, visit to Boudhanath, where the largest Buddhist stupa entered on the UNESCO list is located in Nepal and one of the largest in the world. Time to explore Kathmandu on your own and lunch on your own. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation. Free time. Welcome dinner. Overnight.
3. DAY. KATHMANDU Breakfast. Due to the numerous monuments and the beauty of the landscape, the entire KATHMAND valley was entered on the UNESCO list. Sightseeing Kathmandu: Swayambhunath stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple - one of the oldest in Nepal, is over 1,500 years old, Durbar Square - the historic heart of the city. After sightseeing, it's time to prepare for trekking, replenish the missing equipment that can be found everywhere in the Thamel district at a reasonable price. Lunch on your own. Return to the hotel. Dinner on your own. Overnight.
4. DAY. KATHMANDU - BESISAHAR Breakfast. Check out. Drive along the road overlooking the spectacular landscape of the White Mountains, green hills, rivers and villages all the way to BESISAHAR (750 m above sea level). On the way, a break for lunch on your own. Accommodation. Dinner. Overnight in Besisahar. Journey time approx. 7 hours. The route is approx. 185 km.
5. DAY. BESISAHAR - DHARAPANI - CHAME Breakfast. Check out. Drive to CHAME by jeeps, a few steep, forested ridges. On the way, we pass the village of Dharapani and amazing views of Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II and Annapurna IV. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Chame (2630 m a.s.l.). Journey time approx. 4 hours. The route is about 60 km.
DAY 6. CHAME - THALEKU - BRATHANG - PISANG ↗ 895 m Breakfast. Check out. Slow ascent to THALEK at 2,840m, then a long, pleasant walk through the forest to BRATHANG, located at 2,950m, most of the way on flat ground. As the trail passes a bend, we will see the first sight of the Paungda Danda rock face, a mighty, curved plate of rock rising more than 1,500 m from the river. We will return to the southern shore of Marsyangdi on the hanging bridge at an altitude of 3080 m above sea level, and then make a long, gentle climb through the blue pine forests. After that, the hike will be relatively flat and will lead to the upper part of the Manang Valley to PISANG. This village marks the beginning of the region known as Nyesyang, the upper part of Manang District. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Pisang (3185 m). Walking time approx. 4-5 hours.
7th DAY. PISANG - BRYAGA - MANANG ↗ 721 m Breakfast. Check out. Beginning of climbing to the Tibetan village of BRYAGA at an altitude of 3,500 m above sea level, along the bottom of the valley. Near Bryaga, we will see houses stacked on top of each other, each with an open porch formed by a neighbor's roof. The gompa, erected on a high rock overlooking the village, is the largest in the district and boasts a unique display of statues. Then we continue our journey through a very dry landscape, dominated by the cliffs of yellow rock weirs that have been eroded into imposing pillars along the trail to reach our today's destination - the village of MANANG. There are surprisingly well-stocked shops here. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Manang (3530 m). Walking time approx. 4-5 hours.
8th DAY. MANANG - KHANGSAR - MANANG ↗ 414 m Breakfast. Visiting Manang and acclimatization. We can make a short hike here to climb a little higher to KHANGSAR, which is a 200-meter climb. It is important that today is reasonably calm so that the body can acclimatize to higher altitudes and to thinning air. Lunch. Dinner. Overnight. Walking time approx. 4 hours.
9. DAY. MANANG - TENKI MANANG - YAK KHARKA ↗ 527 m Breakfast. Check out. A gradual ascent through TENKI MANANG, leaving the Marshyangdi Valley. Continuing the journey through the Jarsang Khola Valley, we will reach YAK KHARKA (4,000 m above sea level) where yak herds and vegetation seem to thin out. Lunch. Accommodation, dinner and overnight at Yak Kharka. Walking time approx. 4-5 hours.
10. DAY. YAK KHARKA - LETDAR - THORONG PHEDI or HIGH CAMP ↗ 501 m Breakfast. Check out. A relatively easy day to get used to the altitude: move to LETDAR, from where we will continue our ascent along the eastern bank of the Jarang Khola River to THORONG PHEDI, a rock-strewn meadow surrounded by vertical cliffs at an altitude of 4,420 m above sea level. Lunch on the way. In the valley, you can sometimes see mountain winds, i.e. blue sheep and sometimes even snow leopards. High in the sky above us, we can see vultures and Himalayan griffins. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Thorong Phedi (4420 m) or HIGH CAMP (4600 m). Journey time approx. 3-4 hours.
11. DAY. THORONG PHEDI LUB HIGH CAMP – THORONG LA – MUKTINATH ↗ 911 m Breakfast. Check out. Today a long hike, starting before sunrise, around 4 a.m., to reach the pass at the latest by 10 a.m. otherwise the weather conditions will have a big influence on the hike. Today we will cross one of the highest mountain passes in the world, THORONG LA, at an altitude of 5,416 m above sea level. We must get there early to cross the mountain pass - if the crossing is too late we may be exposed to strong winds. The local population has used this route for hundreds of years to bring herds of sheep and yaks to and from Manang. As a result, the trail, although often steep, is well-marked and easy to follow. On the Thorong La Pass with traditional prayer flags and a stone mound, we will have great views. You can see Annapurna, Gangapurna and Khatung Kang, which is a heavily icy peak. Surprisingly, at the top of the pass, at an altitude of 5,416 m above sea level, there is a tea house. From here we begin our descent, approximately 1600 m long, with magnificent views of Mount Dhaulagiri rising alone in the distance along the valley. When the trail becomes less steep, we will enter the grassy fields and cut the meadows to our final destination - MUKTINATH, the place of nirvana where the Muktinath Temple and several monasteries are located. It is said that any sorrows felt are soothed by a visit to the temple, which is a holy place of pilgrimage for both Hindus and Buddhists. The main pilgrimage usually takes place in September. The temple is dedicated to Vishnu and has 108 water jets around it, from which holy water is poured. Another nearby attraction is the Jwala Mai temple, which has a spring and an eternal flame powered by natural underground gas. Lunch during the hike. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Muktinath (3800 m). Walking time approx. 6-8 hours.
12. DAY. MUKTINATH - KAGBENI - JOMSOM - MARPHA ↗ 516 m Breakfast. Check out. From today we will follow one of the most picturesque routes, which is the section between Muktinath and Jomsom. We will descend through meadows, streams and fruit orchards to KAGBENIA, a fascinating medieval village steeped in Tibetan culture. Then we will continue our descent through the Kali Gandaki Gorge to the village of JOMSOM (also known as Dzongsam, or "new fort"). Lunch during the hike. Accommodation, dinner and overnight at MARPHA (2670 m). Walking time approx. 6 hours.
DAY 13. MARPHA - TATOPANI Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to TATOPANI, a popular pilgrimage site to the holy Muktinath temple, which we will have the opportunity to see. Lunch. Tatopani is famous for its hot springs, where we will be able to regenerate after the hardships of our journey. Accommodation, dinner and overnight in Tatopani (1189 m above sea level). Journey time approx. 5 hours. The route is about 43 km.
14. DAY. TATOPANI - POKHARA Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to POKHARA. Free time to explore Pokhara on your own, famous for its Lake Fewe and a beautiful view of the Himalayas. Lunch on your own. Accommodation and overnight in Pokhara. Dinner on your own. Journey time: approx. 4 hours. The route is about 113 km.
15. DAY. POKHARA - KATHMANDU Breakfast. Check out. Transfer to KATHMAND. Lunch on your own on the way. Check-in, farewell dinner with cultural performance in a traditional Nepalese restaurant, overnight. Journey time: approx. 7-11 hours. The route is about 200 km.
DAY 16. KATHMANDU Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Free time or additional activities depending on the flight (ask the leader). Transfer to the airport and flight to Poland.
17. DAY. Arrival to Poland.

BENEFITS:14 nights: 3 nights in Kathmandu in a 3 * hotel, 1 in Pokhara in a 3 * hotel, 10 during the trek: all nights in a 2-person hotel rooms (some of the rooms with bathrooms) • meals: 14 breakfasts, 9 lunches, 12 dinners • flights: Warsaw-Kathmandu, Kathmandu-Warsaw • transfers • care of a Polish-speaking leader and an English-speaking guide • porters (1 porter for 2 guests); luggage up to 10 kg • entry tickets • permission to enter the protected area of Annapurna (ACAP permit) • KL and NW Itaka Complex insurance extended with the consequences of practicing high-risk sports


Offer details

Twój wybór wczasów

Trekking wokół Annapurny

zmień wariant wakacji
  • Own transport
9 999gbp
Total amount sprawdź szczegóły ceny 19 998 gbp razem TFG + TFP +52 GBP
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