phone mobile mobile pin heart heart user user Biuro Podróży ITAKA Flag of Belarus airplane CB5DFB7F-C92F-41CB-9FB1-916D616FF3EC E0FBD33F-841B-452B-BF16-225B7D943904
>About Itaka>

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For clients


 +48 77 4476707

The cost of one minute is equal to one charge unit and depends on the operator.

MON-FR: 8-17

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Nowa Itaka Sp. z o.o.
ul. Reymonta 39
45-072 Opole


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For agents


+48 77 4476707

The cost of one minute is equal to one charge unit and depends on the operator.


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Contact form      Fill out the contact form - we will answer your questions



Nowa Itaka Sp. z o.o.
ul. Reymonta 39
45-072 Opole


Area coordinators

North-West Area

Voivodeships: wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, pomorskie, lubuskie

Rafał Mańczak

mobile: +48 697 901 141

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North-East Area

Voivodeships: warmińsko-mazurskie, mazowieckie, podlaskie, lubelskie

Dominik Miłowski

mobile: +48 697 901 176

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South-West Area

Voivodeships: dolnośląskie, opolskie, śląskie

Kacper Haluch

mobile: +48 697 901 183

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South-East Area

Voivodeships: świętokrzyskie, małopolskie, łódzkie, podkarpackie

Rafał Mikicki

mobile: +48 665 390 041

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Marcin Jaśkowiak

External Sales Network Assistant

phone: +48 77 5412 247

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Dominik Miłowski

Head of External Sales Network

mobile: +48 697 901 176

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International Customer Service Department

Dominik Miłowski

telephone: +48 697 901 176

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For press

Piotr Henicz

Press contact

Vice President

Director of Sales and Marketing

tel. +48 (77) 541 22 02

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Contact form:

Contact form      Fill out the contact form - we will answer your questions



Nowa Itaka Sp. z o.o.
ul. Reymonta 39
45-072 Opole

