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Search Results Drewniane cerkwie, malowane monastyry

Offer advantages

  • beautiful churches and monasteries from the UNESCO list
  • Happy Sapanta Cemetery
  • Bicaz Gorge
  • narrow-gauge train ride
  • Moldavian wines
  • unforgettable landscapes

Drewniane cerkwie, malowane monastyry Code: XRUMOLA

Romania / Moldova

Drewniane cerkwie, malowane monastyry


Collection of participants. Departure for Romania. Arrival in Baia Mare in the evening. Accommodation at the hotel, overnight.

Breakfast. Checking out. A short walk around BAIA MARE. Transfer to SAPANTA, where there is a unique Merry Cemetery. Walk through the cemetery with colorful tombstones, richly decorated with folk motifs, with funny texts and rhyming epitaphs. A drive through the picturesque IZA VALLEY, known for the traditional architecture of the Maramures region, with numerous wooden churches and Orthodox churches. Visiting the town of BARASANA, beautifully situated on the hills among trees, with an old church entered on the UNESCO list and the main temple of the monastery with a tower until recently considered the highest wooden building in Europe. Transfer to ROZAVLEA, the place where the church of St. Archangels, to which a beautiful gate leads, and the interior is decorated with valuable paintings. Drive through the VISEU VALLEY, where there are Hutsul villages inhabited by the Slavic population. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, dinner, overnight.

Breakfast. Checking out. Transfer to VISEU DE SUS to the narrow-gauge railway station used for logging and transporting timber. A train trip from which you can admire the unforgettable views, landscapes and nature of Northern Romania. Arrival and return to Paltin. Drive through the PRISLOP PASS, one of the highest in Romania to Manastirea Humorului. Check-in at the hotel, dinner, overnight.

Breakfast. Visiting the HUMOR Monastery with a painted church entered on the UNESCO list. Transfer to VORONET. Visiting the monastery entered on the UNESCO list, one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Bukovina, known for its beautiful frescoes, among others The Last Judgment and the Joshua Tree. Transfer and visit to the MOLDOVITA MONASTERIES and then SUCEVITA. The sites entered on the UNESCO list are among the most beautiful in Europe, with valuable frescoes, interesting architecture and decorations typical of the region. Transfer to KACZYKA, the oldest Polish village in Bukovina, to which 20 Polish families from Wieliczka and Bochnia were brought to work in the salt mine in the 18th century. Visiting the Salt Mine with the underground chapel of St. Barbara. Return to the hotel, overnight.

Breakfast. Checking out. Transfer to the border crossing with the Republic of Moldova in Costesti. Crossing the border and going to BIELC, a melting pot of various nations, including the Polish community. A walk around the city: National Theater, Independence Square, St. Nicholas, the monument to Stephen the Great, Alecsandri Street, the Catholic Church of the Holy Archangels. Drive to ORHEIUL VECHI, an archaeological and landscape complex with the Pestera Monastery carved in the rock and with a breathtaking view of the valley surrounded by hills and the picturesque Răut River. Transfer to Chisinau, check-in at the hotel. Dinner, overnight.

Breakfast. Checking out. Visiting Chisinau, the capital of Moldova: the Triumphal Arch, the Church of the Nativity, the Cathedral of Divine Providence, Stefan the Great Boulevard and his monument. Transfer to one of the two largest and most famous CRICOVA wine cellars, where hectoliters of Moldavian wine are stored, and the underground corridors are over 12 km long. Possibility to purchase delicious wines. Free time or optional (for an extra charge on site): lunch in the wine cellars with wine tasting. Then drive to CAPRIANA, one of the oldest monasteries from the 15th century with magnificent frescoes. In the afternoon, return to Romania. Transfer to Iasi, check-in at the hotel. Dinner, overnight.

Breakfast. Checking out. A walk around JASSY, the former capital of Romania: a charming old town, the Palace of Culture, the Church of the Three Hierarchs. Then drive along a picturesque route through the most beautiful corners of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians to the BICAZ RIVER, one of the deepest in Europe, where 400-meter rock walls surround a canyon carved by the river. A short walk through the gorge considered a miracle of nature. Transfer to KLUŻ NAPOKA - the capital of Transylvania. A walk through the old town, Plac Unii from the Church of St. Michael to the National Theater. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, dinner, overnight.

8. DAY.
Breakfast. Checking out. Transfer to Poland.

7 nights in hotels ***; 2-person rooms (1 extra bed available) with bathrooms • food: 7 breakfasts, 5 dinners • bus transfer • pilot care • medical treatment and accident insurance

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W czasach, gdy wszystko już zostało zwiedzone i zobaczone, Mołdawia to wciąż tajemniczy, nieznany świat. Ten nieduży, 4,5-milionowy kraj na pograniczu Rumunii i Ukrainy będzie doskonałym celem podróży dla każdego, kto poszukuje wrażeń związanych z obcowaniem z dziką przyrodą oraz poznawaniem bardzo przyjacielsko nastawionych, otwartych i ciekawych ludzi.

Location on the map Route

Baia Mare • Sapanta • Iza Valley • Barsana • Rozavlea • Viseu Valley • Viseu De Sus • Prislop Pass • Humor Monastery • Voronet • Moldovita Monastery • Sucevita Monastery • Kaczyka • Bielce • Orheiul Vechi • Kishinev • Cricózova • Capriana • Jassy • Jassy • Jassy • Cluj Napoca

The churches and monasteries of Bukovina with colorful frescoes attract crowds of tourists to this part of Romania. The more so because many of them are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Moldova is a country of many cultures and nationalities, the wine paradise of Europe, perfect for lovers of this drink. Stretching colorful fields of sunflowers, watermelons and vineyards create extraordinary pictures, and tiny monasteries, sleepy towns and charming villages create an unforgettable atmosphere. The optional program includes lunch with wine tasting. Route in Romania and Moldova: approx. 1700 km.

1. DAY. Collection of participants. Departure for Romania. Arrival in Baia Mare in the evening. Accommodation at the hotel, overnight.
2. DAY. BAIA MARE - SAPANTA - IZA VALLEY - BARASANA - ROZAVLEA - VISEU VALLEY Breakfast. Checking out. A short walk around BAIA MARE. Transfer to SAPANTA, where there is a unique Merry Cemetery. Walk through the cemetery with colorful tombstones, richly decorated with folk motifs, with funny texts and rhyming epitaphs. A drive through the picturesque IZA VALLEY, known for the traditional architecture of the Maramures region, with numerous wooden churches and Orthodox churches. Visiting the town of BARASANA, beautifully situated on the hills among trees, with an old church entered on the UNESCO list and the main temple of the monastery with a tower until recently considered the highest wooden building in Europe. Transfer to ROZAVLEA, the place where the church of St. Archangels, to which a beautiful gate leads, and the interior is decorated with valuable paintings. Drive through the VISEU VALLEY, where there are Hutsul villages inhabited by the Slavic population. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, dinner, overnight.
3. DAY. VISEU DE SUS - THE PRISLOP PASS Breakfast. Checking out. Transfer to VISEU DE SUS to the narrow-gauge railway station used for logging and transporting timber. A train trip from which you can admire the unforgettable views, landscapes and nature of Northern Romania. Arrival and return to Paltin. Drive through the PRISLOP PASS, one of the highest in Romania to Manastirea Humorului. Check-in at the hotel, dinner, overnight.
4. DAY. HUMOR MONASTERY - VORONET - MOLDOVITA MONASTERY - SUCEVITA MONASTERY - KACZYKA Breakfast. Visiting the HUMOR Monastery with a painted church entered on the UNESCO list. Transfer to VORONET. Visiting the monastery entered on the UNESCO list, one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Bukovina, known for its beautiful frescoes, among others The Last Judgment and the Joshua Tree. Transfer and visit to the MOLDOVITA MONASTERIES and then SUCEVITA. The sites entered on the UNESCO list are among the most beautiful in Europe, with valuable frescoes, interesting architecture and decorations typical of the region. Transfer to KACZYKA, the oldest Polish village in Bukovina, to which 20 Polish families from Wieliczka and Bochnia were brought to work in the salt mine in the 18th century. Visiting the Salt Mine with the underground chapel of St. Barbara. Return to the hotel, overnight.
5. DAY. BIELCE - ORHEIUL VECHI Breakfast. Checking out. Transfer to the border crossing with the Republic of Moldova in Costesti. Crossing the border and going to BIELC, a melting pot of various nations, including the Polish community. A walk around the city: National Theater, Independence Square, St. Nicholas, the monument to Stephen the Great, Alecsandri Street, the Catholic Church of the Holy Archangels. Drive to ORHEIUL VECHI, an archaeological and landscape complex with the Pestera Monastery carved in the rock and with a breathtaking view of the valley surrounded by hills and the picturesque Răut River. Transfer to Chisinau, check-in at the hotel. Dinner, overnight.
6. DAY. CHISZYNIÓW - CRICOVA - CAPRIANA Breakfast. Checking out. Visiting Chisinau, the capital of Moldova: the Triumphal Arch, the Church of the Nativity, the Cathedral of Divine Providence, Stefan the Great Boulevard and his monument. Transfer to one of the two largest and most famous CRICOVA wine cellars, where hectoliters of Moldavian wine are stored, and the underground corridors are over 12 km long. Possibility to purchase delicious wines. Free time or optional (for an extra charge on site): lunch in the wine cellars with wine tasting. Then drive to CAPRIANA, one of the oldest monasteries from the 15th century with magnificent frescoes. In the afternoon, return to Romania. Transfer to Iasi, check-in at the hotel. Dinner, overnight.
7. DAY. JASSY - BICAZ CAVE - DRINK KEY Breakfast. Checking out. A walk around JASSY, the former capital of Romania: a charming old town, the Palace of Culture, the Church of the Three Hierarchs. Then drive along a picturesque route through the most beautiful corners of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians to the BICAZ RIVER, one of the deepest in Europe, where 400-meter rock walls surround a canyon carved by the river. A short walk through the gorge considered a miracle of nature. Transfer to KLUŻ NAPOKA - the capital of Transylvania. A walk through the old town, Plac Unii from the Church of St. Michael to the National Theater. Transfer to the hotel, accommodation, dinner, overnight.
8. DAY. Breakfast. Checking out. Transfer to Poland.

BENEFITS: 7 nights in hotels ***; 2-person rooms (1 extra bed available) with bathrooms • food: 7 breakfasts, 5 dinners • bus transfer • pilot care • medical treatment and accident insurance


Reviews (8)

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50+ lat, Couples april 2019
wycieczka ciekawa, hotele o dobrym standardzie, jedynie hotel w Mołdawii pozostawiał nieco do życzenia, wartością dodaną do wycieczki jest niewątpliwie lokalny pilot p.Michał ogólnie wyjazd (...) expand
wycieczka ciekawa, hotele o dobrym standardzie, jedynie hotel w Mołdawii pozostawiał nieco do życzenia, wartością dodaną do wycieczki jest niewątpliwie lokalny pilot p.Michał ogólnie wyjazd warty polecenia.
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41-50 lat, Couples april 2019
Trasa wycieczki pomyślana ciekawie. Z programu wyrzuciłabym wizytę w kopalni soli (dramatycznie nieciekawej, jeśli ktoś zna bogactwo Wieliczki i Bochni), a więcej czasu dała zwiedzającym na (...) expand
Trasa wycieczki pomyślana ciekawie. Z programu wyrzuciłabym wizytę w kopalni soli (dramatycznie nieciekawej, jeśli ktoś zna bogactwo Wieliczki i Bochni), a więcej czasu dała zwiedzającym na lepsze obejrzenie tytułowych monastyrów.
  • 4
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50+ lat, Couples april 2019
Wg mnie niepotrzebna i mało interesująca jest wizyta w kopalni soli w Kaczykach i miasto Bielce w którym totalnie nic nie ma ciekawego. Dla urozmaicenia programu lepiej zaproponować któryś z (...) expand
Wg mnie niepotrzebna i mało interesująca jest wizyta w kopalni soli w Kaczykach i miasto Bielce w którym totalnie nic nie ma ciekawego. Dla urozmaicenia programu lepiej zaproponować któryś z warownych kościołów. Pobyt w Cricovej bardzo ciekawy ,ale za krótki i szkoda ,że bez degustacji np połączonej z obiadem.
  • 5
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50+ lat, Couples april 2019
Było wszystko czego się spodziewałem. Przewodnik pan Michał ponadprzeciętny. Polecam. expand
Było wszystko czego się spodziewałem. Przewodnik pan Michał ponadprzeciętny. Polecam.
  • 5
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  • 4
31-40 lat, Solo april 2019
Wycieczka godna polecenia. expand
Wycieczka godna polecenia.
  • 4
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31-40 lat, Couples april 2019
program byl fajny ale zrealizowany moglby byc lepiej, tzn zamiast biegac po zabytkach i miastach moglo byc tam wiecej czasu plus jakis czas wolny na miescie i za to pozniejszy powrot do hoteli (...) expand
program byl fajny ale zrealizowany moglby byc lepiej, tzn zamiast biegac po zabytkach i miastach moglo byc tam wiecej czasu plus jakis czas wolny na miescie i za to pozniejszy powrot do hoteli zwlaszcza ze tylko 2 byly w centrum a reszta absolutnie posrodku niczego (tzn przyjezdzalismy np o 17 czy 18i nie bardzo bylo gdzie potem wyjsc). jedyny komentarz do programu to mozna by usunac podroz kolejka waskotorowa za to zostac noc dluzej w Moldawi hotele- standart ok natomiast lokalizacja fatalna (poza Kiszyniowem i Jassy ktore byly w centrum)- lepeij obnizyc standart ale zeby byly w centrum tak zeby mozna bylo samemu gdzies wyjsc wieczorem na spacer. rumuski przewodnik-Mihail- super wiedza, zabawny, komunikatywny, staral sie integrowac grupe, pomocny. polski pilot- Marcin- do wymiany-podawal sprzeczne info i caly czas powtarzal "postaramy sie" "jak sie uda" komentarz do jedzenia- sniadania super szwedzkei stoly zawsze kazdy cos dla siebie znalazl(moze poza Kiszyniowem), kolacje bardzo roznie- zdecydowanie lepeij by bylo jesc gdzies na miescie w lokalnych knajpkach kolo 15-16 zamiast kolacje w hotelu wieczorem autokar- ok, kierowcy super, komfort podrozy wysoki bo bylo nas tylko 32 osoby
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50+ lat, Solo april 2019
Ogólnie wycieczka spełniła moje oczekiwania expand
Ogólnie wycieczka spełniła moje oczekiwania
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50+ lat, Solo april 2019
no description expand
no description
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